David Caffey is an internationally recognized composer, arranger, conductor, and educator. His most recent CD, AT THE EDGE OF SPRING by the David Caffey Jazz Orchestra, is scheduled for release in JANUARY 2025. The DCJO has two earlier CD releases, ALL IN ONE (2018) and ENTER AUTUMN (2015). His compositions and arrangements have also appeared on CD albums released by The Jeff Benedict Big Band (Holmes), DekaJaz (Eclectikos), UNC Jazz Lab Band I (The Romeo & Juliet Project, Journey Home, Alive VII, IX, XI, and XVIII) and many other university CDs and LPs.

Caffey's compositions and arrangements have been performed in concerts and festivals in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, England, France, Holland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and throughout the United States. His compositions and arrangements are available in print from iJazzMusic.com, davidcaffeymusic.com and UNC Jazz Press.

Caffey has appeared as a clinician, adjudicator, and guest conductor at music festivals, conferences, universities and schools throughout the United States, in Canada, and in Europe. He was inducted into the California Jazz Education Hall of Fame in 2011. He served as President of the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE) from 2004 to 2006 and served as Vice President of Membership on the Board of Directors of the International Society of Jazz Arrangers and Composers (ISJAC) from 2022 to 2024. He is a Founding Member of the ISJAC Board of Directors and a Founding Member of Jazz Education Network (JEN).
David Caffey is Professor Emeritus of Music at the University of Northern Colorado, where he served as Director of the School of Music from 2005 to 2013. His work as a college music professor and arts administrator spans 44 years and includes previous appointments at California State University - Los Angeles, Sam Houston State University, the University of Denver Lamont School of Music, Southern Oregon University, and Cal Poly University - Pomona. He served as Associate Dean of the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences at Cal Poly Pomona. He currently resides in Southern California, in the Los Angeles area.
CD recordings of the David Caffey Jazz Orchestra are available for purchase from his website (davidcaffeymusic.com). Downloads are available at CDBaby.com. The CDs are also available for streaming on Apple Music, Soundcloud, YouTube, and many other streaming providers.